
anyone playing on glass?

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anyone playing on glass?
« on: March 22, 2009, 12:14:53 PM »
we have been playing on glass now for about 6 years. i just wanted to know how people feel about playing all out speedball on glass. we got bored with the tournament style and the beer makes it hard to remember all of the rules. we have about 20 guys that have been getting together for 10 years now. foosball is alive and well in indiana!!

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Re: anyone playing on glass?
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2009, 03:13:37 PM »
All power to ya, it sounds like a blast! As long as you're playing, that's what counts. I don't worry about rules when playing scrubs, because if they don't know which rules they're breaking, they don't know which rules I'm breaking either, lol... the important thing is that you are having fun, and not feeling like it's a chore or a job (like some tournament foos feels like).

foos on!