
Marbles vs. Current T-3000 vs. Tornado Elite

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Marbles vs. Current T-3000 vs. Tornado Elite
« on: January 03, 2011, 06:31:24 PM »
Hi All,

My name is Russ and this is my first post on the forums. I recently saw a chance to upgrade from my Warrior table to a Storm II for around $100-$150, so I sold my Warrior but then the Storm II disappeared. As I'm now in the market for a new table, I'm looking at a few different options. I've made a list outlining my current thought process (and yes, I have read over the buying a new table by bbtuna and exhausted the search feature):

Option 1 - Brown / Silver Marble

+ Considered to be some of the best model coin-ops.
+ The silver marble's after the 30th have the merkel rods.
+ Could be purchased for <$600
- The brown and silver don't match anything in the room and we don't like the finish at all.
- I'd be buying second hand and would have to search for it.
- I would need to rent a car and drive pretty far (I'm willing to drive six hours from Chicago).

Option 2 - Current Tornado T-3000

+ The exact table that I play on in when I go out (I haven't entered a tourney yet, but I do plan on becoming a regular).
+ I'd never have to buy another table.
+ Purchased basically new and any issues would have been found at the tourney.
- The cheapest used price I've found one for is $1395 shipped (from Charles Mackintosh) which is out of my budget.

Option 3 - 2010 Tornado Elite

+ The table appears to have the same split bearings and rods (they are commercial quality of the same width, unknown if they are heat treated - is going to look in to this and if they're not heat treated they will look at costs for upgrading).
+ Is currently available on sale for $1150 shipped from Charles Mackintosh.
+ Fits my home decor and speaker's cherry finish.

So. At the end of the day I'm quite torn. I can clearly see that many people on the boards swear by the coin-ops, but the additional $250 for a T-3000 is tough to justify as the Elite is already at my maximum budget. I also don't want to get a brown/grey marble as I can't really get a "new" one and the look isn't quite the same as the new models.

I've searched around for threads of how the T-3000 and Elite match up, but I haven't found a lot of conclusive evidence of different they are. Is there as big of a difference between a brown/grey marble and T-3000 as there is between the Elite and the T-3000?

I appriciaite everyones help. I already emailed bbtuna about this but wanted to ensure that others that have the same questions I do can get them answered.



Re: Marbles vs. Current T-3000 vs. Tornado Elite
« Reply #1 on: January 03, 2011, 09:18:46 PM »
Hey All,

So as I've continued to do my reading on this site, it looks like a lot of these questions have been answered, but primarily about the Cyclone II. Here's the big post that has gotten me thinking about moving towards a tournament used T-3000.

bbtuna writes:

of course it is a matter of opinion but I can give you plenty of testimonials saying the Storm is a piece of junk...I have played on it and the Cyclone many times...

the storm may say it weighs 225 but that is only one factor...the bearing on that table are a joke and the rods with the bearings are terrible...i suppose to some degree it is what you are used to but my church has one of these and it has a very hard time handling my game and it limits what I can do....ironically the church has 2 other tables, Camaron both I think but both very different styles and they are sturdier but at the same time the design and men make playing a joke and yet the Tornado is the last table the kids will choose on their own to play on

I have played for years on the Cyclone, 2 very good friends bought Cyclones when they started out thinking there was no difference, same rods, split bearings etc and both of them after playing on coin ops for several years finally saw the difference and both ended up selling their Cyclones when they could and buying coin ops....both tables after a fair amount of play were showing wear but my coin op after 7 years of 2-4 hours a day hard practice, is like new

there is no way a Storm or Cyclone will hold up anything near like the coin op with that said, and I am not talking out both sides of my mouth, to be fair, you can get world class good playing on a Cyclone…the 2008 Worlds Semi Singles got to his level practicing on a Cyclone

even with that said, he will tell you the coin op is a much better table – still, if you want to provide a great time of play, and have one that will work for the most casual player or provide the basis for more serious growth if anyone becomes interested….the playing experience, assuming you have Tornado foosballs, is so much better

your family of course won’t see the difference or have a point of reference but it will allow for them the greatest chance of enjoying the game and playing for years to come

I am 53 and can still play at a very high level, I am even still getting better, so foosball can be a game to play for a lifetime and there is no reason not to pay smart money for the right table right away

I have found dozens of tables for people on this board and have tracked the sale, or non sale, of all Tornado coin ops on eBay for more than 4 years now, and I still do, and I know what tables sell for and how much you can get them for…you can find early coin op Brown Marbles for $300-$400 and that table is better than any home model Tornado ever made…within the last 7 months I have seen at least 6 Grey Marbles sell for $500 which is an absolute steal…you can get any model ever made except for the most recent, for $700 or less (I don’t think they are all worth $700, I am just saying you can get a great table for a great deal if you take  your time….if you have bucks to spend you can buy the current model for about $1250 delivered

And if you want the latest greatest you can buy a FB home model and get the best of both worlds for about $700 or a coin op for about $900

This post really made the fact that I should just suck it up and get the T3000 now. A few other questions:

01. Where can you get a current model T3000 for $1250 shipped!?

02. Which table would you recommend between these two:

• 2010 T-3000 “SPECIAL EDITION” customized w/ ITSF and USTSA logos w/ trim accents”  $1395

• NC STATE Tournament Tables: T-3000 non coin table for $1395 shipped



Re: Marbles vs. Current T-3000 vs. Tornado Elite
« Reply #2 on: January 03, 2011, 10:44:46 PM »
Option 1 - Brown / Silver Marble

- I would need to rent a car and drive pretty far (I'm willing to drive six hours from Chicago).

Option 3 - 2010 Tornado Elite

+ Fits my home decor and speaker's cherry finish.




I take it you are in the Chicagoland area?  If so, where do you play at?

Just reading through your post I would say be on the lookout for a Cherry/Mahogony table...IMHO they are by far the best looking table, and I like them so much I bought 2 in mint condition.  I'm embarrassed to say how much I paid and how far I had to drive to get them.  The next best looking table, again IMHO, is the blonde table, then the fridge models...I'm probably going to get blasted for saying this, but I'm not a fan of the marble look...a little too retro 70's/80's for me.

I think I've stated this before, but for some reason coin-ops rarely ever come up for sale in the Chicago area.  When they do pop up they sell fast and at a premium price.  I would look to our northern Wisconsin/Minnesota neighbors, west in Iowa, south in Missouri or east in Ohio/Michigan...  I rarely see coin-ops in Illinois or Indiana.  Good luck.

Re: Marbles vs. Current T-3000 vs. Tornado Elite
« Reply #3 on: January 03, 2011, 11:00:08 PM »

I take it you are in the Chicagoland area?  If so, where do you play at?

Just reading through your post I would say be on the lookout for a Cherry/Mahogony table...IMHO they are by far the best looking table, and I like them so much I bought 2 in mint condition.  I'm embarrassed to say how much I paid and how far I had to drive to get them.  The next best looking table, again IMHO, is the blonde table, then the fridge models...I'm probably going to get blasted for saying this, but I'm not a fan of the marble look...a little too retro 70's/80's for me.

I think I've stated this before, but for some reason coin-ops rarely ever come up for sale in the Chicago area.  When they do pop up they sell fast and at a premium price.  I would look to our northern Wisconsin/Minnesota neighbors, west in Iowa, south in Missouri or east in Ohio/Michigan...  I rarely see coin-ops in Illinois or Indiana.  Good luck.

Hey Jin,

I live in the city and play at Mullens on Clark. It's a nice sports bar with a T3000 that we're working on getting proper preventative maintenance to.

I like the idea of the Cherry/Mahogany table, but from bbtuna's posts it seems to be the fastest table (something I'm not super keen on).

I'll keep a look out for the files up north. At this point, however, I'd almost rather pay the premium to have it delivered (because of the car and time involved to find one) and just go for a Tournament 3000. I'd just like to get one at a good deal.

Re: Marbles vs. Current T-3000 vs. Tornado Elite
« Reply #4 on: January 09, 2011, 06:48:56 PM »
You should consider coming out to the suburbs to Q's in Darien, IL:

I haven't ventured into the city past 9pm in a long, long time, so I have no idea where Mullens is...unless it's that irish pub looking place?  If so, then I had no idea they had a table in there.  My buddy Pedrom says on Monday's they have free foos at this place:

The Pitch
2142 N Clybourn Ave.
Chicago, IL

I have 2 Cherry finished tables in my basement, and I think they are the slowest playing tables I've ever played on.  I would actually prefer to have 1 with the slicker dark green surface to practice on Vs. the grittier slow surfaces that my 2 tables have.

If you can ante up for a T3000 then by all means do it, I don't think you will regret it.  Just buy a tournament used table...which is basically like new, just contact Charles Mac.  I think they are like $1,400 delivered.  Visit his site for contact info:

Re: Marbles vs. Current T-3000 vs. Tornado Elite
« Reply #5 on: January 11, 2011, 11:59:36 PM »

Please check your email, I sent you a link to an amazing deal on a brown marble coin-op in our not hesitate!

Re: Marbles vs. Current T-3000 vs. Tornado Elite
« Reply #6 on: January 12, 2011, 01:08:35 AM »


Please check your email, I sent you a link to an amazing deal on a brown marble coin-op in our not hesitate!

Hey Jinho,

Thank you so much for emailing the link to the brown marble. If I hadn't already picked up a table I would have hopped on it. I really didn't think that these opportunities popped up around Chicago! Here's the craigslist link for the table you sent me so others in Chicago can hop on it. Below that is my new table...

Brown Marble ($350):

Tournament Used T-3000:

Transporting -

Finally Set Up -

The Play Field -

New Cup Holders (this was painful) -

At the end of the day I (along with bbtuna's help) decided it was in my better intrest to spend the extra $300 once (if I didn't get this it was going to be the Tornado Elite) instead of wanting to upgrade down the road. It is honestly one of the best purchases I have made. It plays flawlessly.

Next step - I need to learn a lot more, this is a major upgrade from my Warrior and I feel unworthy! I want to make it a priority to get to Darien, but I don't have a car.

Also, has anyone ever found a way to quiet the goal down? I love the sound but I do live in an apartment. I don't want to kill the sound permanently, but muffling it would be nice.

Thanks for all the help!

Re: Marbles vs. Current T-3000 vs. Tornado Elite
« Reply #7 on: January 12, 2011, 01:25:54 AM »
That is an awesome table...did it come with the drink holders already attached?  Nice move on getting the fooslight.

If you need a ride to Darien there are a few people that drive in from the city that could possibly help out.  Also my buddy Pedrom says on Monday's to check out:

The Pitch
2142 N Clybourn Ave.
Chicago, IL

There is also this place way out in the far NW Suburbs at Liberty Lanes.  I haven't been there, but everyone says it's a good time.  Right now I am out of town nearly every weekend to go snowboarding up north in Wisconsin and then we take a family trip at the end of the season out west I pretty much lay low until the Spring time and then I can go out to Q's again.

Re: Marbles vs. Current T-3000 vs. Tornado Elite
« Reply #8 on: January 12, 2011, 01:34:34 AM »
The table didn't come with the holders attached, that was a modification I made today.

It'd be cool to touch base with some of the guys who head out there. I wanna get involved in them sooner rather then later, it's just the transportation thing. I think that it'll really help me improve as I'm still a super novice (my shots and passes are really predictable and easily blocked)

I actually met Pedrom last night, we played at Mullen's because The Pitch has been closed. I'll touch base with our mutual friend to see if I can head out to Q's with them some time.

Offline bbtuna

  • 1465
  • TS, Dynamo, Tornado, Warrior, & Fireball
Re: Marbles vs. Current T-3000 vs. Tornado Elite
« Reply #9 on: January 12, 2011, 11:01:23 AM »
now thats a table...for softening the goal, put in a mouse pad...easy to get in and take out and it almost eliminates all sound

Re: Marbles vs. Current T-3000 vs. Tornado Elite
« Reply #10 on: January 12, 2011, 02:32:20 PM »
I actually met Pedrom last night, we played at Mullen's because The Pitch has been closed. I'll touch base with our mutual friend to see if I can head out to Q's with them some time.

Where did you end up seeing Pedrom?

I wonder what happened to The Pitch place?

What is the scene like at Mullen's?