Newbie looking for buying advice: I am considering getting a foosball table for our basement, and while I doubt anybody in the family will ever become a tournament player, I do want to buy something that will provide durability and high-quality play for some time, and with luck have some resale value someday. I have no aversion to buying used.
Other than that, my only criteria are:
1) Wife wants a wood finish
2) 15-year-old son insists on a model with one goalie -- not three. Apparently he's played on some different tables at school and finds defense too easy with three goalies.
Having searched this wonderful forum, I see lots of advice on models to buy -- most I've looked up with the exception of the Bonzini models show three goalies.
Or are they all customizable or do some one one goalie and some have three? I really have no idea. If it's the latter, what are the pros/cons of each?
Let's see here:
Bonzini has the real and natural wood finish your wife request.
Bonzini has the 1-man goalie which 95% of the world plays on.
Bonzini can customize the player figurine to your specifications.
Bonzini has not changed their table design in the past 60 years. So you don't have to worry about upgrading.
Bonzini has telescopic rods so you do not have to worry about kids "spearing" each other.
And it's the only foosball table that has actually appreciated in value over the past 10 years.
Pretty much meets all of your criteria.
Yes, they are expensive. But sometimes you can find some really great deals. I picked a mint condition B-90 up in DC for $500 last month. It values out at around $1,600.
And I do own a Garlando, Tornado, Eurosoccer, and several Bonzini tables

Good luck in your search