Yeah, I've actually talked to the guy with the table in Marion. He refused to budge the least bit on his price, even given the apparent rust (or gunk of some kind) on the rods in the pictures. He gave me a story about how he "can't keep them in stock", etc. But he's had ads up for the same table for a couple months. He keeps reposting them at the top of Craigslist, in addition to his ebay ad. He also has an ad that he keeps reposting asking to buy game tables ... so he buys/resells them. Not a fun guy to deal with.
The Memphis table sounds good ... but it is too far.
Also, the one with the picture I posted above is a Cyclone II.
I'm wondering what this one is:

He just describes it as a "heavy duty" table. I sent the guy an email to find out.