The Dome actually existed 58-94. Was only in Hampton colliseum once to see Dr. J play as a ABA VA Squire. Only lived 2 blocks from Dome so walked to footsball tournaments & concerts. Foos entrys were free & concerts in our time about $5! When you were inside with Ozzy & Black Sabbath I was on the lawn='71. Besides Jimi (with Archie Bell & the Drells) saw Alice Cooper James Gang,Fleetwood Mac,Yes,Johnny OR Edgar Winter, & some I forgot

. Heard about the drugs but NOT ME! either...Yep,It was the first car ever awarded (atleast in U.S.) for foos out of around 11or 13 I counted once in Johnny Lott's/Kathy Brainard's Almanac. They got better:Corvettes, Porches during TS. I think Furry got 2,Wiswell at least 1.
Anyway, back to RP, in Dec. 71 at Dome, I won a Honda 125SL,1st place singles. Paul Nipper & I won doubles. I kept the newspaper articles,later submitted them & other stuff which my friends Alan Cribbs (president BonziniUSA) & Bruce Nardoci (THE legend of French style foosball) put onto the history section. & via Johnny into Table Soccer Almanac. I wish i had 1/10 of the speed & skills of back in the day. In my short undefeated run all I did was sleep,eat,drink (abits)...FOOS,repeat. About 4 years ago I realized I've gone from can't lose to can't play, the only fooser who owns a table to the only one who doesn't, from having groupies to being one.(I'm a BIG fan of Tony Spredeman & all our world cup team). Thankful to get to VB via Navy-right place/time. Chen,sorry to divert thread. Saw Italians play in Naples=awesome, & I do agree with most of the above comments, that varied experience is helpful. Just my 2 cents but my favorite style of table & play is French & in this century, Bonzini John Hayes