
Fireball is the US table at Worlds

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Offline BradLaurine

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Re: Fireball is the US table at Worlds
« Reply #15 on: January 09, 2012, 01:11:05 AM »
Mr. Killer,

X Games is exactly where this should be!!! I have put more than two cents into that effort. I tried with Tornado a few times when Brunswick was owning it. I, at least, got the thought rolling before being put back on the shelf.

X Games is way, way, way more our demographics and WAY easier to become a part of. I know that big brands would love it.

Thanks, Brad Laurine
« Last Edit: January 09, 2012, 04:33:59 PM by BradLaurine »

Offline foozkillah

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Re: Fireball is the US table at Worlds
« Reply #16 on: January 09, 2012, 02:29:20 PM »
That's why I like you Brad,
For an ole fooserfogie like moi, you can think real swexy sometimes..
 ;D ;D ;D

Offline foozkillah

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Re: Fireball is the US table at Worlds
« Reply #17 on: January 09, 2012, 02:34:32 PM »
And having gone to a couple of Xgames in Phiweee... I KNOW foosball would have full support from any fan of any Xgame.
From their experience at their local PAL or Boys' or Girls' clubs to their teen centers.. they all are familiar with foosball, with rivalries, with wanting to get better and feel more comfortable with whatever crowd they have to deal with daily.  Doesn't matter if they're board riders or moto's or BMX'ers or street or track skaters..  Even the cross-discipline SNOWBOARDERS...
And for a lot of the older foos faithful... THOSE ARE OUR KIDS!  THEY'RE ALREADY THERE!
No STOOPEED training or orientation (blechhh!) just to explain the game to (for ex) Biathlon or kayaking Olympic fans!

Re: Fireball is the US table at Worlds
« Reply #18 on: January 09, 2012, 03:23:58 PM »
The IOC thing isn't about getting foosball in the Olympics, That.Will.Never.Happen, it's about getting recognition by the IOC as a sport (as they currently do recognise to the level of Underwater Snail Racing etc).

Re: Fireball is the US table at Worlds
« Reply #19 on: January 09, 2012, 05:55:06 PM »
X Games is a competition for action sports.....How does Foosball qualify as an action sport? Are there any double elimination tournaments in X Games? I don't understand how this is a good fit.

Offline foozkillah

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Re: Fireball is the US table at Worlds
« Reply #20 on: January 09, 2012, 11:37:19 PM »
X Games is a competition for action sports.....How does Foosball qualify as an action sport? Are there any double elimination tournaments in X Games? I don't understand how this is a good fit.
X (as in Extreme) Games was started and is continued to be sponsored worldwide by ABC/ESPN Sports. Inaug was summer 95 in RI.  Yes they focus on action sports, and Foosball would prolly start as a side specialty at any X-game.  Same as RPS or BeerPong, ESPN style, Xtreme games style over the years in the tents .. if the demographic (which is pretty much a no-brainer) is close enough and the response and audience is big and cool enough ... ESPN and its myriad of sponsors should more than gladly add sponsorship (theirs or their sponsors) and wean it off and have something like the $50,000 Natl RPS championships..  Trick is to get in where the demographics welcome you, not make you kiss old fogies's IOC asses that have no concept or appreciation of competitive foosball.
Perhaps if we could have some steroid or HGH enhanced foosers we could be more attractive to the IOC.