Hey guys, thanks for the quick replies! I really appreciate the help.
If I'm unable to sell it on craigslist, I wouldn't be totally against parting it out - I will post in the appropriate channel if that's the case with an update for anyone interested.
@Tyler, you are correct about the scoreboard pieces - one side is red, the other a dark blue-ish color, and the grey end caps, as well as the rods not being hollow (they feel much heavier than any newer tables I've played on).
There are a few pieces missing/broke - one of the blue team men (the right side defenseman) is bandaged up with what i think is white/beige hockey tape. He's been like that for as long as i can remember (at least 20-25 years). I believe a couple of the outer rod bumpers that fit on the outside of the springs (not sure if that's what they're called) may be missing, and I might be missing an end cap. Also missing one washer and nut for one of the legs - but i still have the bolt itself.
For the most part, it's in pretty good shape - the corners on the blue goalie's end both have small cracks, and i think there's a crack begining on one of the corners on the other end. When the rods are lubed up, the slide very well - but since inheriting it, i've never taken the rods out to clean the holes they fit into.