i'm trying to learn the stick pass on the 5-row, but i'm not quite sure how to stroke the ball. so far, i've used a closed-hand grip to pass it to my 3-row, but i can only pass the ball hard with a huge follow-through.
after watching some videos of dave gummeson it seems to me that he uses some kind of open-hand grip to stroke the ball forward, but i'm not quite sure. is this the case or some optical illusion

i just tried a couple of stick passes with a kind of semi-open hand grip. it works not that bad for lane passes, but when i try wall passes i always bounce off the wall because i can't force the 5-bar to stay on the wall with an open-hand grip. also, instead of a big follow-through when using a closed-hand grip, i now have a big backswing when using an open-hand grip. otherwise i can't hit the ball hard enough.
so, what's the best/recommended way to pass the ball hard without a big backswing/follow-through? should i use a closed or open-hand grip?