The ball is sitting motionless under your 5b. You hit the ball cleanly thru your opponent's 5b then,as the ball is moving toward opponent's goal you hit it with a 3b man directly into the goal. Illegal pass! right? because hitting the ball with your 3b represents "contol", after all it did go into the goal. HOWEVER here is my question: same course of events but instead of the ball going into the goal, it bounces off the end wall ,ie, forward & back thru opponents goal area & you catch it on your 3b. Your ball on the 3b, or illegal pass ?
Question based upon 23.1.3 : It is not considered an illegal pass from the five-man rod if a stopped or pinned ball deflects off the same team's three-man rod providing it was not caught and there was no controlled advancement by the three-man rod.
& the definition of "deflects" as :to turn aside or cause to turn aside,bend, or deviate.

Anyone, Bueller, anyone?