
5 Bar Passing Question

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5 Bar Passing Question
« on: April 26, 2016, 09:05:31 AM »
Hello all,
I am a long time player who took a sabbatical from the game for many years.  I am currently in the process of getting back into the game and while watching some matches on Youtube, I have noticed that there are a lot of higher caliber players who are using the far wall to pass from the 5 bar.  Can anyone tell me why this seems to be so prevalent these days? What are the benefits to this? I have seen tick-tack, lane passes and a brush series on the far wall.  I was instructed that you always want to pass on the near side since I have a better view of the defense and the defense has a harder angle to see and my ball position.

Thanks for your replies,

Offline snake eyes

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Re: 5 Bar Passing Question
« Reply #1 on: April 26, 2016, 05:18:41 PM »
I heard a "rumor" that Tony Spredeman uses the farwall series because he was so young we he started playing he had to stand on a chair or step stool. Maybe that took away the near wall vision for him with the angle or something. Alot of guys tried to copy his style. Zeke Cervantes also uses the far wall as do I because in my opinion it throws the defense off from the norm. Hope this helps-Snake