Hello guys,
Just a quick update on the cleaning of the table (I will call that cleaning rather than restoration, when I see the shape of the other table

So, so far, so good,
The cabinet is in a very good shape and the field as well as you can see on the picture:

I removed all the bar and the different part and did a proper cleaning for all of them

To be honest, I was surprised how in good shape everything was. I will just need to buy some washer as they broke in part and some little pin but I think that's pretty it
i was hesitating to replace the springs and inner spring, but I think they all are in a good shape, I let you judging if you think the same

I had to remove the little piece of coton/felt inside and need to put new one in. Do you know where I can buy this type of things? Internet? What shall I look for?

An other thing, I would like to have your opinion about, the 2 bars of the defence players are slightly bend, it is not massive, we are talking about 8mm to a 1cm maximum. I saw what you did Kevin do unbend them but I don't have neither the space or the tool to do that (I am living in a flatshare so no proper workshop), may be one day

so I was thinking switching the inner bar between the defence and the middle ones. The defence player's bars look slightly bend too, so I don't know if it is a good idea or not... The table would be still playable. Let me know.
Last thing, i hope you are not going to jump off your chair, but I removed the paint at the foot of the players.

And I am going to try to sand down them like the ITSF table.
I don't know if you've experienced this but if I play with the ITSF yellow ball, I don't have any grip at all with my player, the ball slide very easily from the player which make very difficult any control.
The bar where I am playing has ITSF table and the foot of the player have no paint and the side are sand down in order to remove the little bend on the side of the player to increase the control.
I hope this will help to get more grip on the ball. I am a little bit sceptical as I have remove paint from some player before and found it a little bit better but still don't manage to get the same grip like in the bar.
If you had the same experienced and managed to solve it please share

I will now order my part to Bonzini and just reassemble everything! whoop whoop!