
Buying guide? Amateur here looking

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Buying guide? Amateur here looking
« on: May 14, 2024, 03:53:42 AM »
Hi everyone, just an amateur fan here. Still, I'd like to get a premium table but don't even know where to start. All I know is if I look at one and know if it'd be good or not. Looking for a heavy table where balls don't get stuck in corners. Originally had a budget of like 400$, but I'm seeing that some tables go for far more than that, so I'm willing to balloon my budget if the quality warrants that.

Is there a guide around here? Checked the side bar but unless I'm blind, not seeing it. Looking for near professional quality without breaking the bank.

Re: Buying guide? Amateur here looking
« Reply #1 on: May 14, 2024, 11:18:59 PM »
Any helps? I'm still waiting for your support.

« Last Edit: May 15, 2024, 12:44:00 PM by bolt115 »

Re: Buying guide? Amateur here looking
« Reply #3 on: May 24, 2024, 04:50:36 AM »
Man it took me since 1976 to find a tornado for less than 800 and was in need of new parts. Well I have finally found one by accident looking for someting else on craigslist. The seller had a buyer but after talking /texting we found a mutual friend that I had known since 76 and later in life the seller always had my friend as tourney partner. He had to get it gone the very next day becausehis family was moving from San Angelo to the piney woods. Well I borrowed and planned and wished and hoped but the guy knocked off $200 cause our mutual friend and I had to catch a ride in a truck for a 5 hr. to 6 hr. round trip. And I got a black coin operated 1973-2003  30th anniversary table for $300 !  well it had to be cleaned up and touchup for a few to several hours. And It has now found me, still waiting for over 50 years to get it. #1 is Patience and luck and who you know and know how to tell a good deserving story.. Now if I can only find a few 50 to 70 yr old cats who feel like going a couple rounds with the champ ! Many yrs back I opted outand got a ynamo .. It was good and tough and lasted me many great years .. This one should last til Im dead ..