4th Annual South Carolina Foosball Open
January 28th and 29th, 2011
Carolina Wings and Rib House
2347 Augusta Rd.
West Colimbia, South Carolina
For more info:
www.scfoosball.comwww.bonziniusa.comI forgot to announce that for the 2011 Bonzini U.S.A. Foosball Tour season we will be using the ITSF B-Ball in tournament competition. It has taken a few years of transitional acceptance of its performance and action versus the cork ball. Feedback from the SC State Foosball Championships and the VA State Foosball Championships gave us confidence that this change would not affect attendance, but mainly entertainment for the players. We are currently looking to sanction the 37th Annual NC State Foosball Championships as an ITSF event. I encourage everyone in the Mid-Atlantic area that has support Bonzini USA tour events to come out and support the SCFPA as they host the 2011 SC Foosball Open in Columbia this weekend.

Butch and Jacob taking home the medals at the 2010 SC State